Childhood is a happy time, the time of first knowledge and discoveries. It is important for every child being surrounded by love, warmth and care. On the threshold of the International Children's Day, specialists of the socio-pedagogical center Kruglyansky district held a drawing contest among foster children of substitute families «Childhood through the eyes of children».
Drawings of children are a special creativity revealing the inner world of the child, his best qualities. In them, the child tells about his experiences, hopes, dreams. The drawing clearly shows the child's attitude to the family and peers.
The contest dedicated to the International Children's Day was aimed at attracting the attention of others to the individuality of each child, at the creation of a positive emotional state of children, the development of their creative potential.
The drawings of the pupils were put up for viewing at the exhibition at a regional holiday dedicated to the International Children's Day in the city square.
Each drawing is unique and individual. In them, the children reflected their impressions of bright events, their ideas about a happy childhood.
We would like to say words of gratitude to the foster parents, the parent-educator for the support of the pupils, the creation of their creative abilities.
Further success to you, dear children! Happy and cloudless childhood!
N.Rugal, the teacher-psychologist
of the state educational institution
«Kruglyansky district the socio-pedagogical center»