Zakhozhaya Anastasiya Sergeevna
Educational psychologist
the highest qualification category.
Work experience - 13 years.
Education: Gomel State University named after F. Skorina, Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy.
Institute of Practical Psychology IMATON (St. Petersburg), additional education program “Art therapy in education, medicine and business.”
Member of the Russian Art Therapy Association.
Areas of work: training candidates for adoptive parents, foster parents, parent-educators, psychological and pedagogical support for foster families, diagnosis and correction of child-parent relationships, correction of emotional and behavioral disorders, work with child victims and witnesses of violence.
Methods and techniques used in the work: art therapy, metaphorical associative cards, sand therapy.
Training seminars, courses:
“Art therapeutic methods in psychological counseling” (2010);
"Jungian Sand Therapy" (2011);
“The system of work on the selection and preparation of adoptive parents for young children” (2013);
“Inspection and examination of a child who has become a victim of violence” (2012);
“Training candidates for foster parents and adoptive parents according to the PRIDE model” (2014);
“Selection, assessment and support of families raising children with special needs” (2014);
“Safe behavior for children” (2015);
“Phototherapy: theory and practice” (2020);
“Metaphorical cards in art therapy and counseling” (2022);
“Mandala in art therapy” (2022);
“Museum art therapy” (2023);
“Neuropsychology Helps Children” (2023).
More than 40 publications in scientific collections of articles, a newspaper for foster parents and family placement specialists “Домой!”