Management of the National Adoption Center of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus
Bialevich Tatsiana Alekseevna
Bialevich Tatsiana Alekseevna

Ensures the fulfillment of the goals and objectives of the National Adoption Center of the Republic of Belarus, determined by its Charter, carries out general management and bears personal responsibility for the state and results of the activities of the National Adoption Center.

Personal reception of citizens, their representatives, representatives of legal entities is carried out by appointment by phone +375 17 352 97 61,
reception time - Wednesday from 15.00 to 20.00.
Nikandrova Margarita Yanovna
Nikandrova Margarita Yanovna
deputy director

Personal reception of citizens, their representatives, representatives of legal entities is carried out by appointment by phone +375 17 395 17 48,
reception time - Thursday from 8:00 to 13:00.
Bunyaeva Elena Nikolaevna
Bunyaeva Elena Nikolaevna
deputy director

Personal reception of citizens, their representatives, representatives of legal entities is carried out by appointment by phone +375 17 395 56 19,
reception time - friday from 08:00 to 13:00.

Senior child safety inspectors
Mikhalkevich Elena Rostislavovna (Minsk)
Mikhalkevich Elena Rostislavovna (Minsk)
Senior child safety inspector
Education: Higher pedagogical.
Position: Senior inspector for child protection of the institution "National Adoption Center of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus" in Minsk
Work experience in the specialty: 16 years
Specialization: National Adoption
- work with data banks, orphans, children left without parental care, created in the Center;
- coordination of the work of local executive and administrative bodies to assign children to families;
- organization of methodological support for educational authorities, boarding schools, orphanages, foster families on issues of adoption, substitute parenting, social rehabilitation and upbringing of children (through the preparation and selection of materials for the newspaper "Home!")
- rendering assistance to educational authorities in the search and preparation of candidates for adoptive parents;
- assistance to candidates for adoptive parents in the preparation of documents for adoption;
- organization and analysis of control over the adaptation process of adopted children, as well as children being raised in foster families;
Voloshina Olga Valerievna (Mogilev region)
Voloshina Olga Valerievna (Mogilev region)
Senior child safety inspector
Education: Higher pedagogical
Work experience in the field: 21 years
Specialization: National Adoption
Reception and consulting of citizens and specialists on issues of adoption, the creation of a professional foster family and the functioning of other forms of family organization;
Assistance to candidates for adoptive parents in the preparation of documents for adoption;
Maintaining and keeping the national databank up to date:
- orphans and children left without parental care, subject to adoption;
-a data bank of candidates for adoptive parents;
-a data bank of adopted children.
Popularization of adoption and other forms of family placement of children left without care. Coordination of the work of local executive and administrative bodies to assign children to families;
Organization of methodological support for educational authorities, boarding schools, foster families on issues of adoption, substitute parenting, social rehabilitation and upbringing of children;
Zandarovich Natalia Mechislavovna (Vitebsk region)
Zandarovich Natalia Mechislavovna (Vitebsk region)
Senior child safety inspector
Education: Higher pedagogical
Work experience in the Institution: Since 2008, she worked as a teacher-psychologist, from June 2017 to the present time, as a senior inspector for child protection of the institution "National Adoption Center of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus", Vitebsk
Work experience: 24 years
Specialization: -National adoption
Reception and consulting of citizens and specialists on issues of adoption, the creation of a professional foster family and the functioning of other forms of family organization;
Assistance to candidates for adoptive parents in the preparation of documents for adoption;
Maintaining and keeping up to date of the national databank:
- orphans and children left without parental care, subject to adoption;
-a data bank of candidates for adoptive parents;
-a data bank of adopted children.
Popularization of adoption and other forms of family placement of children left without care.
Coordination of the work of local executive and administrative bodies to assign children to families;
Organization of methodological support for educational authorities, boarding schools, foster families on issues of adoption, substitute parenting, social rehabilitation and upbringing of children;
Mironovich Tatiana Viktorovna (Brest region)
Mironovich Tatiana Viktorovna (Brest region)
Senior child safety inspector
Education: Higher psychological
Work experience in the Institution: From 2013 to the present, as a senior inspector for child protection of the institution "National Adoption Center of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus" in Minsk
Specialization: National Adoption
Reception and consulting of citizens and specialists on issues of adoption, the creation of a professional foster family and the functioning of other forms of family organization;
Assistance to candidates for adoptive parents in the preparation of documents for adoption;
Maintaining and keeping up to date of the national databank:
- orphans and children left without parental care, subject to adoption;
-a data bank of candidates for adoptive parents;
-a data bank of adopted children.
Popularization of adoption and other forms of family placement of children left without care.
Coordination of the work of local executive and administrative bodies to assign children to families;
Organization of methodological support for educational authorities, boarding schools, foster families on issues of adoption, substitute parenting, social rehabilitation and upbringing of children;
Elena Kochetkova (Grodno region)
Elena Kochetkova (Grodno region)
Senior child safety inspector
Education: Higher pedagogical
Position: Senior inspector for child protection of the institution "National Adoption Center of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus"
Work experience in the specialty: 22 years
Specialization: National Adoption
Reception and consulting of citizens and specialists on issues of adoption, the creation of a professional foster family and the functioning of other forms of family organization;
Assistance to candidates for adoptive parents in the preparation of documents for adoption;
Maintaining and keeping up to date of the national databank:
- orphans and children left without parental care, subject to adoption;
-a data bank of candidates for adoptive parents;
-a data bank of adopted children..
Popularization of adoption and other forms of family placement of children left without care. Coordination of the work of local executive and administrative bodies to assign children to families;
Organization of methodological support for educational authorities, boarding schools, foster families on issues of adoption, substitute parenting, social rehabilitation and upbringing of children;
Elena Potapenko (Gomel region)
Elena Potapenko (Gomel region)
Senior child safety inspector
Education: Higher pedagogical
Position: Senior inspector for child protection of the institution "National Adoption Center of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus" Work experience: 21 years
Specialization: National Adoption
Reception and consulting of citizens and specialists on issues of adoption, the creation of a professional foster family and the functioning of other forms of family organization;
Assistance to candidates for adoptive parents in the preparation of documents for adoption;
Maintaining and keeping up to date of the national databank:
- orphans and children left without parental care, subject to adoption;
-a data bank of candidates for adoptive parents;
-a data bank of adopted children.
Popularization of adoption and other forms of family placement of children left without care.
Coordination of the work of local executive and administrative bodies to assign children to families;
Organization of methodological support for educational authorities, boarding schools, foster families on issues of adoption, substitute parenting, social rehabilitation and upbringing of children;

Pimkova Tatiana Alexandrovna
Pimkova Tatiana Alexandrovna
Educational psychologist
the highest qualification category.
Work experience - 20 years.
Specialization - educational psychology. Areas of work: psychoemotional and behavioral characteristics of children, including psychosomatic ones (encopresis, enuresis, etc.); development of the cognitive sphere of children of senior preschool and primary school age, preparation for school; prevention of emotional burnout of parents, specialists.
Carrying out psychodiagnostic and correctional and developmental work with children (on request), individual and group counseling for adoptive parents, adopted children on topical issues. Methods used in the work: elements of existential psychotherapy, art therapy, play therapy, neuropsychological techniques, supervision, Swedish methods of psychosocial work, etc. University under the program "Supervisor in Social Work" (2009-2010), the course "Family-oriented approach in working to protect children" (2011-2012), the course "Social entrepreneurship: from example to self-sufficiency" (2017-2018), course "Women's entrepreneurship with a social focus" (2017-2019), the course "Preparing children with speech impairments for school" (2019), the course "Neuropsychological diagnostics and correction" (2019).
Training internships: social organizations of Gothenburg (Sweden, 2012); social organizations of Berlin (Germany, 2019) Author, co-author of books and manuals: 1. Manual "Upbringing in a foster family", 2. Manual "Senior friend" program: experience of social support for pupils of family-type orphanages ", 3. Art -album: "History of my family", 4. Art-album: "Notebook of a young man", 5. Manual "Organization of work to provide assistance and support to alcoholic families"
Gentseleva Natalia Mikhailovna
Gentseleva Natalia Mikhailovna
Educational psychologist
the highest qualification category.
Work experience - 15 years.
Education: “Mogilev State University named after A.A. Kuleshov "
Specialization: preschool education, psychologist, psychology teacher.
Areas of work: Organization and implementation of diagnostics and training of candidates for adoptive parents, psychological correction of the relationship between adoptive parents and adopted children, their counseling, the implementation of accompanying families of adoptive parents.
Psychological crises, interpersonal, family, child-parental relationships, trauma, loss. Techniques used in the work: techniques with elements of art therapy, NLP techniques, family systemic psychotherapy, metaphorical associative cards.
Educational programs: GUO APO - "Psychological and pedagogical counseling" (2009), UO "Moscow State University. A.A. Kuleshov "-" Methods of NLP and transactional analysis in the phenomenology of conflict "(2011-2012), UO" Moscow State University named after A.A. Kuleshov "-" NLP in the system of management and education "(2011), UO" Moscow State University. A.A. Kuleshova "-" Model of interagency cooperation to protect the rights and legitimate interests of orphans and children who were left without parental care "(2012), GUO APO -" Family-oriented approach in the activities of SPPS specialists "(2015), UO" BSPU named after ... Maxima Tanka "-" Practice of art therapy "(2018), PA" VAAT "-" APT therapy "(2018), LAMb International CFNADA -" TRAUMA INFORMED CARET "(2018), Training center" PERSONA "-" Crisis experience-based psychotherapy "(2018-2019)
Stasevich Alena Vladimirovna
Stasevich Alena Vladimirovna
Educational psychologist
First qualification category
Work experience: 10 years
Education: higher education, Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, Minsk
Specialization: pedagogical psychology
Training courses and programs: "Depression: the causes and possibilities of psychological help for depression" (2011), "Interactive methods of activity of a teacher-psychologist of preschool education" (2011), "Pedagogical sandbox in the practice of a teacher-psychologist" (2015), "Fundamentals of fairy tale therapy" (2016), "Modern approaches to the content and forms of work of educational specialists" (2016), "Psychological assistance to anxious children" (2016), "Technology of educational kinesiology" (2016), "Alternative techniques in the work of a teacher psychologist" (2019), "Cognitive behavioral approach in psychotherapy" (2023), "Neuropsychological causes and methods of correction of learning difficulties" (2023).
Sphere of interests in the work: development of emotional intelligence of children and adults, harmonization of child-parent relations.
Fedorova Olga Andreevna
Fedorova Olga Andreevna
Educational psychologist
Education: higher Moscow State University "A.A. Kuleshov "
Specialization: preschool education, practical psychology.
Work experience - 19 years.
1st qualification category.
Field of work: providing psychological assistance - interpersonal, family, parent-child relationships, work with crisis conditions, trauma, loss.
Techniques used in the work: gestalt therapy, NLP techniques, techniques with elements of art therapy, bodynamics.
Zakhozhaya Anastasiya Sergeevna
Zakhozhaya Anastasiya Sergeevna
Educational psychologist
the highest qualification category.
Work experience - 13 years.
Education: Gomel State University named after F. Skorina, Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy.
Institute of Practical Psychology IMATON (St. Petersburg), additional education program “Art therapy in education, medicine and business.”
Member of the Russian Art Therapy Association.
Areas of work: training candidates for adoptive parents, foster parents, parent-educators, psychological and pedagogical support for foster families, diagnosis and correction of child-parent relationships, correction of emotional and behavioral disorders, work with child victims and witnesses of violence.
Methods and techniques used in the work: art therapy, metaphorical associative cards, sand therapy.
Training seminars, courses:
“Art therapeutic methods in psychological counseling” (2010);
"Jungian Sand Therapy" (2011);
“The system of work on the selection and preparation of adoptive parents for young children” (2013);
“Inspection and examination of a child who has become a victim of violence” (2012);
“Training candidates for foster parents and adoptive parents according to the PRIDE model” (2014);
“Selection, assessment and support of families raising children with special needs” (2014);
“Safe behavior for children” (2015);
“Phototherapy: theory and practice” (2020);
“Metaphorical cards in art therapy and counseling” (2022);
“Mandala in art therapy” (2022);
“Museum art therapy” (2023);
“Neuropsychology Helps Children” (2023).
More than 40 publications in scientific collections of articles, a newspaper for foster parents and family placement specialists “Домой!”

Dubrovina Aksana Andreevna
Dubrovina Aksana Andreevna
Chief accountant
Bonch-Osmolovskaya Alina Evgenievna
Bonch-Osmolovskaya Alina Evgenievna