The history of the National Adoption Center begins in 1995, when Belarus adopted the National Action Plan for the Protection of the Rights of the Child for 1995-2000, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 150 of 19.04.1995 (hereinafter referred to as the Plan).
Section III of this document « Protection of the rights of children left without parental care, children with mental or physical disabilities and children in other extreme situations» made provisions for the opening of the National Adoption Center, and in Section II « Legal support for the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Belarus « On the rights of the child » one of the activities was the preparation of the regulation of the National Adoption Center.
The very idea of creating the institution was implemented in 1997, when in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus « On the establishment of the National Adoption Center of the Republic of Belarus » No. 112 dated March 3, 1997, the institution "National Adoption Center of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus" was created.
By Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of May 2, 2003 No. 183, the National Center for Adoption was designated as the Central Authority for the fulfillment of obligations under the Convention for the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of International Adoption, adopted at the Seventeenth Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law in 1993.
2009 was a record year for adoption in Belarus.
Last year 582 Belarusian orphans found a family - this is the highest figure in 12 years of the National Adoption Center. "It's amazing: contrary to the forecasts of skeptics, the economic crisis did not affect the desire of Belarusians to make disadvantaged children happy, to give them warmth and family shelter - said Natalya Pospelova. - Of course, a rational approach also plays a role in the decision to adopt: people weigh their ability to help the child (but you must admit that this approach also applies to planning the birth of a child). However, the emotional aspect still prevails - kindness, compassion for the orphan”.
In order to enhance the national adoption process in 2013, the National Adoption Center founded the monthly newspaper Home!, Since January 2013, specialists of the adoption center have been issuing a monthly methodological mailing list for specialists in the field of child protection and for substitute parents (adoptive parents, guardians, foster parents, parents-educators).
On October 14, 2013 the central national internet portal of the National Adoption Center began its work. Its story started when a group of activists of the forum movement organized a collection of signatures on the Internet under a request to create an information resource on which it would be possible to post detailed information and photographs of children in need of families, living in orphanages.
The Ministry of Education commissioned the creation of an Internet portal for the National Adoption Center. With the help of the National Public Association "Belarusian Union of Women" the software developer for the portal was found. It was LLC " Light Well Organization". The idea of creating a portal was also supported by The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus. Essentially, the is evidence of the public-private partnership in ensuring the right of every child left without parental care to live and be raised in a Belarusian family.
since December 2, 2019, on the website of the National Adoption Center, the possibility of electronic registration of candidates for adoptive parents has been added.
On February 11, 2021, on the website of the National Adoption Center under the section “Professional to professional”, a new sub-section “Tools for the work of a teacher-psychologist” was created. It contains methods and tests for specialists in the field of child protection; educational psychologists, whose functions include working with foster families; specialists involved in diagnostic and psychocorrectional work with families;